February 2024
Integral Vision’s February spotlight is on our village works in Mozambique. We have 3 village works with expats and local missionaries who are working to bring God’s Word to the local people. We also have one group that is in the phase we call “staging”, focusing on building relationships with the local church and with other individuals who live near a people group we would like to work with eventually.
Tete Team Focus
Praying for Coworkers! We have two ladies currently living in the city of Tete who hope to eventually work with a nearby people group. They are both in language and culture study even though one of them is Brazilian and already speaks Portuguese. She is adapting her Portuguese to communicate more clearly in her new context. Pray:
- for more team members
- for grace and patience as they work hard to press forward in language and culture study
- for stronger relationships with the church that is hosting them and with individuals in the community
Mwinika Team Focus
God is doing great things among the Mwinika in Mozambique. Among them are the development of Bible lessons and stories for Mwinika children. A community centre is also being proposed which will host a preschool program, literacy programs, a safe place for youth, and a place for skills training. Pray:
- for this proposal to come together and get approved.
- for ministry to continue even through the heat and planting season.
- for safety from storms that tend to occur this time of year. You can read about the impact from last year’s Cyclone Freddy here.
Maindo Team Focus
The team working with the Maindo people has been very busy these days. They have developed a literacy program that you can read about here. They are also working on translating Scripture and developing Bible lessons. Pray:
- for energy and endurance of the team
- for wisdom as they go through the steps of checking Maindo Scripture passages
- that God will create a great hunger in the Maindo people a greater hunger to read and understand His Word
Lolo/ Kokola Team Focus
God’s Word is transforming lives among the Lolo and Kokola people! There are numerous Bible studies taking place. Local believers are being discipled and taking on roles as translators and Bible teachers. Pray:
- that church members can effectively share what they’ve been learning with families, churches, and communities
- for the Lolo and Kokola Bible translation work, that the final product will be high-quality
- for the opportunity the team has to teach locally on a monthly radio program